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Image by Ricky Rew


How do we go about uncovering the bliss & Abundance of our True nature?  

Guided by ancient wisdom of the Vedas validated over eons and backed by scientific findings , Amoha offers enriching programs to escalate the transformation within, and empower one with tools to live a life of fulfillment & joy

Find out more about our classes & workshops below

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Unconditional love/ Supreme bliss is our true nature and the very essence of the whole world.
It is what are seeking thru our relationships, possessions, goals etc.
Vedanta is the philosophy of the Vedas - the outcome of the revelations of great masters who experienced this Truth in their highest state of Consciousness.
Many scientific experiments have now found resonance in these teachings
Vedanta forums at Amoha, provide an  interactive and a structured way to bring clarity, understanding & alignment to the concepts related to Vedanta.
The more clarity & alignment gained, the more expansion it brings to our sense of self by rewiring old limiting thinking patterns, thereby empowering one to better deal with life's challenges.
This personal transformation positively impacts all aspects of one's life, ultimately leading one to Highest Truth

Yoga on Beach


Yoga (from the root 'yuj') in Sanskrit means to unite with the Highest.
Any activity physical, emotional or intellectual undertaken to unite with the Highest ideal in us is yoga 
But popularly, the term yoga is limited to the practice of asanas (postures)
At Amoha,  yoga sessions attempt to coordinate breathing and physical movement guided by thoughts rooted in innate wisdom enabling a deeper connection to the awareness within.
With the ability to improve focus,  concentration as well as both mental & physical strength, this popular class provides a wholesome & nourishing experience for all ages
Amoha offers options based on the types of breathing exercises (pranayam) & physical stances (asanas) chosen to cater to a wide range of needs.

Image by Simon Migaj


Our subconscious mind influences the bulk of our thinking patterns, negatively  leading to phyiscal & mental stress
Meditation has been backed by tremendous research as not only boosting the parasympathetic nervous system to enable healing & enhanced functioning of the body, but also healing the deeper layers of the subconsciousness mind to reverse disease & mental afflictions.
A meditative mind is a powerhouse of creative energy, dynamism & strength.
At Amoha, various meditation techniques and practices are offered to take one to deeper states of consciousness, healing peace & joy.
Many of these techniques are also preceeded by pranayam (breathing techniques) to calm the mind

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Ancient Sanskrit mantras have an elevated level of consciousness, and chanting them programs the subconscious mind to reverberate with the same level of consciousness. When collectively done, the resonance uplifts the level even more.
At Amoha, in addition to learning to chant, the philosophical significance of the words is also explained which deepens the connection to the mantra and thereby enhances the overall experience.
Kirtan, a lead & follow method of chanting short Sanskrit mantras, usually accompanied with musical instruments, also helps to evoke the divinity within. It is a very popular forum because of its simplicity and musical appeal.

All are currently being offered online.
Please check weekly schedule for details. Register to participate in a class.

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